Information Technology

As computer technology has advanced, most of the organisations have become increasingly dependent on computerised information systems to carry out their operations and to process, maintain, and report essential information. As a consequence, the reliability of computerised data and of the systems that process, maintain and report these data are a major concern to audit.

The professionals at ACA have an in depth knowledge and experience in assessing an information system in order to set forth a qualified opinion regarding the conformity between the system and the regulating standards, as well as over the information system’s capacity of achieving the organization’s strategic objectives, by efficiently using the following information resources and tools:

  • Data Analytics
  • Study and design of the Account and Management Information Systems
  • IT Security Audit, IT Risk Assessment & GDRP Review
  • Computer Assisted Audit Techniques (CAAT)
  • Vulnerability Assessment
  • Cyber Security Audit
  • Cyber Forensic Investigation & Management Services
  • ERP Functionality & Post Implementation Review
  • Specialized IT & security corporate trainings